Freestyle Shark Night Vision 100M

Ricky Lee |
1034 |
December 17, 2011 04:33PM |
Congrats Ricky & WTG Marc (n/t)
Adam in NYC |
69 |
December 18, 2011 06:57PM |
your bezels way way cooler that the co-workers 
Congrats on a fine watch, and nice review
Cleans Up |
60 |
December 18, 2011 04:59PM |
Re: Congrats on a fine watch, and nice review
Thanks mate. 
Cleans Up
your bezels way way cooler that the co-workers 
Well.. I think so, too. But I may be biased.
I thought someone would point out the wonky bezel (and dial?) alignment in the stock photo, for sure. But his FS81212 looks perfect in that regard. It really is a darned impressive watch for US $72! 
Ricky Lee |
52 |
December 18, 2011 05:57PM |
Wicked cool watch and well done review, Ricky! Oh, and a big for Marc his generousity! 
What a strong way to go 
Bock |
44 |
December 18, 2011 11:53AM |
Much appreciated Bro. Erik! 
Oh, and a big  for Marc his generousity! 
Yes indeed! Is this forum amazing, or what? 
Ricky Lee |
82 |
December 18, 2011 03:28PM |
Re: "Is this forum amazing, or what"?
Definately, Ricky!
When a guy offers (a part of) his Dad's watch collection in such way to
another, then that stuns me in a way of deep respect. And, if on top of
that they go the way to the home for wayward wrist watches....well,
that is truly the cherry on the cake! 
Seriously, I feel they couldn't end up better then your place in this event, as I know you love to take care of them 
Enjoy enjoy! 
Bock |
61 |
December 18, 2011 04:31PM |
Looking good, Ricky. (n/t)
Mark C. |
64 |
December 18, 2011 07:31AM |
Bro. Mark! You reckon it'd be safe for Surfing Duty?

After all, and bill themselves heavily as THE Surfing Watch. 
Ricky Lee |
46 |
December 18, 2011 10:34AM |
Cool watch. I like that clear bezel, with the wavy pattern (n/t)
JP |
65 |
December 18, 2011 06:59AM |
It "makes" the watch, for me. 
Cool watch. I like that clear bezel, with the wavy pattern 
Thanks for the kind words. 
Ricky Lee |
55 |
December 18, 2011 10:30AM |
A very nice one! (n/t)
IF |
46 |
December 18, 2011 01:57AM |
Thanks Bro. Yannis! (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
57 |
December 18, 2011 10:27AM |
Poy likes it! Nice little wearer. (n/t)
poywatch |
58 |
December 17, 2011 10:24PM |
Thanks Bro. Jim! Did I mention that..

..the fellow who just bought the new Freestyle Submersion also wears a Freestyle Hammerhead Night Vision as his workaday watch?

Click HERE for larger photo
And, yeah, he bought that watch from me.
It still runs like a champ, ~ 2 years on, though it's even more wabified beat to hell than it was in those photos. Still, he's so happy with it that, when he decided he needed a pretty watch for Stepping Out, he specifically sought out another .
For good or ill, I reckon I made a convert. If the new one's half as good, it'll be one darned good watch indeed. A much under-rated brand, is Freestyle. IMHO. 
Ricky Lee |
56 |
December 18, 2011 10:26AM |
Wow! You sold your Hammerhead! Mine is a keeper!

Ricky had heard this story before along with a couple of others, but a good deal is worth repeating. 
good friend of mine had this exact watch for about 10+ years. He is an
avid scuba diver & this watch was put through it's paces. I always
wanted one. Then I found a NOS one on a clearance table@ Dillards,
marked down from $120 to $34! It is now my mediocre beater.

Timemiser |
78 |
December 18, 2011 11:10AM |
I did. But.. is a solid watch, which I liked just fine. If it had been in just a little better cosmetic condition, I'd likely have kept it.
Then I found a NOS one on a clearance table@ Dillards, marked down from $120 to $34!
You stole it!
It is now my mediocre beater.
You do that watch a dis-service!
It is an excellent beater!
..a good deal is worth repeating. 
And as long as we're re-hashing old stories, I was goin' to link the one of when I originally sold the Hammerhead. But, alas, it appears to have fallen victim to the last PMWF database purge. 
Ricky Lee |
127 |
December 18, 2011 03:18PM |
That clear resin Shark bezel is nifty! ...
I can see myself wearing a watch like that just for the pure fun of it. 
Jimmy50 |
53 |
December 17, 2011 07:10PM |
Re: ..I can see myself wearing a watch like that just for the pure fun of it. 
It is a fun watch. 
Thanks mate! 
Ricky Lee |
57 |
December 18, 2011 10:10AM |
Nice job, RL, enjoy! (n/t)
51 |
December 17, 2011 06:19PM |

It's a pity your father never paid us a visit here on the . After becoming intimately acquainted with so many of his watches, I think he'd have been a natural on The Phorum. 

Ricky Lee |
62 |
December 18, 2011 10:08AM |