Bit of a story. Jeremy Dean has his sights on a
Grand Complication, you see, and is selling off a few watches to fund
it. Well, long story short, he was kind enough to give me First Refusal
Rights on a couple of them.. and in one case I could not pass it up!
Yup! The Citizen 7-based Jeremy Dean Army MilMod! WoooHOO! 
Jeremy posted a progress report on this one HERE, and some before & after photos HERE. He went first class on this one, too, with new hands, dial, crystal, and factory-fresh
8215 movement, not to mention the olive-drab Cerakote treatment from MCWW.
Suffice to say that I admired it the first time I laid eyes on it. However, according to Jeremy "I just couldn't bond with it due to its smaller size, 18mm strap, and too small crown". None of these is a deal-breaker for me, though! Indeed, compared to my sure 'nough Army watch,
the Marathon 46374G, it's quite big at 36.25mm X 42.80mm. And with the
olive drab finish, it handily out-Armys the Marathon.. no mean feat! 
the most unique & eye-catching feature of the watch, the Cerakote
finish, is also my only serious reservation about the watch. Jeremy
warned me going in that the finish had one significant "battle scar"
courtesy of "a good hit on a metal door jam". I got to admit the
resulting bezel scratch is a little more eye-catching than I'd hoped.
And, worse, I managed to add another with my springbar tool.
(Hey, I had to turn the strap around so the buckle's at 6
) No deal-breaker, mind, but it does
cast serious doubt on the durability of this coating, for me. And
pretty much assures that I'll "baby" this one. Again, no deal-breaker..
but it must be admitted that this conflicts with the theme of the
watch, to some degree. An olive-drab Army watch should be able to be
thrashed to within an inch of it's life, then come back for more. 
that one reservation aside, I'm diggin' the heck out of this one! Well
designed and meticulously executed, it runs like a champ (I don't see
any trace of "the Miyota stutter" that some folks find so
objectionable) and looks like a million. And, sure, I'll take some
photos of me own, soon as I get a Round Tuit. 
Thanks Jeremy!

Messages In This Thread
An exceedingly rare type of
, too - a custom watch I had no hand in.

(Views: 162)
Ricky Lee 162 August 16, 2010 06:38PM
Very nice !

(n/t) (Views: 23)
IF -- August 17, 2010 04:46AM
Congrats Ricky, nice score 
(n/t) (Views: 25)
Reto -- August 17, 2010 12:24AM
Looks great, Ricky. Congrats. 
(n/t) (Views: 23)
Mark C. -- August 16, 2010 10:27PM
Very Nice I give it 

(n/t) (Views: 24)
hamiltonbrewer -- August 16, 2010 07:43PM
Looks goooooooood! 
(n/t) (Views: 16)
DJM -- August 16, 2010 07:26PM
Woo hoo!
Congrats! (n/t) (Views: 23)
Dave Murphy -- August 16, 2010 07:25PM
Attempted catalog shots of the Jeremy Dean/MCWW Citizen Seven Army MilMod 
August 19, 2010 07:17PM
"Attempted" because, while I reckon they're not terrible
, they're certainly not as good as I'd hoped.
Click HERE for larger photo or HERE for supersized photo
Probably would've helped if I'd dusted her a bit more thoroughly. 
The scratches in the Cerakote finish are visible in the bezel at 2, 5:30, and 7. The next photo..
Click HERE for larger photo or HERE for supersized photo
..shows the worst scratch, the one at 5:30, even "better". While it might appear that there are several other blemishes, in reality these are dust/lint/other asst. trash. And, cliche that it is, the camera is most unkind, and this one actually looks much nicer on the wrist than the photos might lead you to believe..
Click HERE for larger photo or HERE for supersized photo
It sure wears Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr8! 
Thanks again, Bro. Jeremy, for giving me first shot at this one. 

Messages In This Thread
Attempted catalog shots of the Jeremy Dean/MCWW Citizen Seven Army MilMod 
(Views: 92)
Ricky Lee -- August 19, 2010 07:17PM
It looks really a very good one ! Good work there !

(n/t) (Views: 10)
IF -- August 20, 2010 10:16AM
That is one good looking Citizen mod!!!! 
(n/t) (Views: 17)
Mark C. -- August 20, 2010 08:30AM
Mark! The credit goes to Bro. Jeremy, though!

(n/t) (Views: 12)
Ricky Lee -- August 20, 2010 09:22AM