of a 5-Day Watch Shopping Orgy

Ricky Lee |
800 |
July 23, 2010 12:43PM |
Now THAT is a (n/t)
Reto |
120 |
July 24, 2010 05:39AM |
Thanks Boss! It was definitely an experience I will never forget.
And, God willing & the creek don't rise, will repeat one day. 
Ricky Lee |
143 |
July 28, 2010 07:31PM |
You are having the time of your life & thanks for sharing Have fun Ricky Lee!!!!
& the best to the Mrs for that nice new RING!
Riddim Driven |
105 |
July 23, 2010 07:21PM |
Re: ..& the best to the Mrs for that nice new RING!

Thanks mate! And Miss Pam says on her behalf.
She also says to tell you guys that, no, she does not regret passing up the Reverso in favor of the ring.

Ricky Lee |
88 |
July 28, 2010 07:29PM |
WOW!!!!!!! How did you get out of there????? 
I would have to be dragged by the scruff.
Mark C. |
108 |
July 23, 2010 05:26PM |
Re: I would have to be dragged by the scruff.

It nearly came to that!
Miss Pam and I separated in Grand Cayman, and made rendezvous plans for lunch. Well.. long story short, that's when I found the , and I was nearly an hour late. She was almost ready to report me missing, presumed comatose in a watch shop somewhere. 
Ricky Lee |
101 |
July 28, 2010 07:24PM |
and for all the time and effort this took. (n/t)
Larry |
112 |
July 23, 2010 05:22PM |
My pleasure, I assure you! 
A Labor Of Love, you might even say.
Ricky Lee |
109 |
July 28, 2010 07:18PM |
What a flippin' great report, Ricky!! For me, it's hard to resist anything with the word "Carrera" on it!
...but I suspect you went for a Longines. Really, with what you were
eye-ballin', you can't lose with any of those choices... (overpriced OM,
excepted  )
Nuvolari |
135 |
July 23, 2010 04:47PM |
You'd have been in Hog Heaven then, without even leaving the boat.

The one shipboard shop, Essence, carried a selection of that rivaled any of the shops in the duty-free ports. Surpassed many, in fact.
..(overpriced OM, excepted  )
You know, I did call them on that. Told them point-blank the was a rip-off, and that I could buy them online all day long for barely half their price. Their response was basically "Oh well! No one's twisting your arm". I was also told that their superlative Customer Service and "Buyer Assurance" made up for it. Riiiiiiiight. 
Ricky Lee |
107 |
July 28, 2010 07:16PM |
Outstanding, just as is your custom! Google me the address to that Omega heaven! I can leave tonight! 
I'm with Brad. That is one of the Longines models.
Lordy are you going to be difficult to live with!!  !
JohnnyT |
125 |
July 23, 2010 03:30PM |
With pleasure!

I'm with Brad. That is one of the Longines models.
RMW or no, you just know that I was still shopping for The Deal. I was indeed sorely tempted by several models. And the prices were competitive enough that if I'd fallen in love with one, it'd have been in reach. "If I'd fallen in love with one" being the operative phrase.
as y'all might have noticed, my tastes are a bit.. eclectic, shall we
say. Nothing moved me quite like that Multifort chrono. Well, excepting
Master Compressor Navy Seals Limited Edition, of course. If I'd had an
extra $6K+ burnin' a hole in me pocket, it would be on my wrist right
Lordy are you going to be difficult to live with!!  !
Nah, no worries there. Same ol' Ricky, whether I'm wearin' a RMW or not. 
Ricky Lee |
91 |
July 28, 2010 07:05PM |
This is just the coolest!! Exactly the party I wanted to hear about!
As for the watch....I will hazard a guess:
Is a Longines Grand Vitesse Chronograph 24h GMT?
And why is the nato on upside down?
jinxed |
122 |
July 23, 2010 03:06PM |
<<why is the nato on upside down>> I think it's easier to take off and put on with one hand... (n/t)
Nuvolari |
116 |
July 23, 2010 04:44PM |
Kinda sorta. I *do* find it easier to don and doff a strap rigged My Way.
Especially a NATO, since it puts the tail
right 'in your face', and you don't have to go through any kind of
contortions to access the the tail to tuck it under the keeper.
Also, it puts the buckle & 2nd keeper inside your wrist where they're much less likely to snag and foul on assorted sundry obstacles.
But the real reason is that straps rigged buckle-at-6 just feel right to me, in a way that conventional rigging doesn't. 
Ricky Lee |
110 |
July 28, 2010 06:33PM |
Come on Brad, you've been here longer than I, he always wears his NATOs upside down! (n/t)
108 |
July 23, 2010 04:34PM |
I have no idea, but from what I CAN see, I like the looks of it. 
GREAT story! Can't wait to find out what you bought.
110 |
July 23, 2010 02:47PM |
Re:GREAT story!

Can't wait to find out what you bought.
until I saw the Multifort, it could've gone several different ways.
Indeed, I was this > < close to pulling the trigger on a
black-dialed with conventional escapement. But when I saw that a vaseline-hazed filter dropped over me eyes, angelic music filled me ears, and me pulse rate doubled. A true case of Love At First Sight if ever there was one!
Ricky Lee |
104 |
July 28, 2010 06:24PM |
Holy moly that's a LOT of watches! I have no idea what the hell you got! (n/t)
119 |
July 23, 2010 02:22PM |
You have no idea! I looked at & tried on so many watches..
..that I was perilously close to a sensory meltdown!
Great problem to have, though, I got to admit. 
Ricky Lee |
98 |
July 28, 2010 05:45PM |
As the sun sets over the Gulf of Mexico...thanks for the tour! (n/t)
itschris |
118 |
July 23, 2010 02:21PM |
Sir WotM. I'm gonna do it again some day, once I've saved enough nickels for that JLC. (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
117 |
July 28, 2010 05:42PM |
for all the pics Ricky Lee. That Ltd Speedy Pro uses a special coaxial movt. subjectsmiley0 (n/t)
Adam in NYC |
113 |
July 23, 2010 02:03PM |
Yup. I confess that I was not prepared..

..for the price differential between a 3-hand 300M with conventional movement and the same watch with Co-Axial Escapement. Well over $1K! Indeed, the difference between the two was more than I paid for my , all-up and out-the-door!
Is the Co-Axial Escapement really that much better? Arguable. But in 's eyes the answer is obviously a resounding "Hell yes!". 
Ricky Lee |
106 |
July 28, 2010 05:39PM |
Not that I would know...
But I have heard movement people say that the Coaxial Escapement is the
biggest/best contribution to movement tech in a long time.
VoodooDance |
106 |
July 28, 2010 05:48PM |
Re: ..the Coaxial Escapement is the biggest/best contribution to movement tech in a long time.
I've heard it said many times, too. And I can buy it.
But is the difference really enough to fund a whole complete other RMW?
I'm not so sure... 
Ricky Lee |
106 |
July 28, 2010 06:42PM |
That is the question (n/t)
VoodooDance |
97 |
July 28, 2010 06:45PM |
Well, that's quite a tour. Congrats, whatever it is. (n/t)
Anonymous User |
101 |
July 23, 2010 01:45PM |
Thanks Doc! Honestly, as much as I love this thing, I was expecting..

..a wee tinge of Buyer's Remorse at some point. I mean, li'l ol' me with a RMW? An event akin to Hell Freezing Over!
But, I'm happy to report, not one single twinge of Buyer's Remorse.
Well.. not over the ,
in any case. Now, when I think of what kind of wristwatch could have
been funded with the $$$ bundle I dropped on Miss Pam's ring... 
Ricky Lee |
105 |
July 28, 2010 05:30PM |
Jealous! (n/t)
VoodooDance |
106 |
July 23, 2010 01:33PM |
Well, the boat sails every week, same itinerary. (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
98 |
July 28, 2010 05:24PM |
Mm... Having money to take the trip and buy the watch are the problem (n/t)
VoodooDance |
109 |
July 28, 2010 05:28PM |
That can be a problem. But if you hit the jackpot, shoot me a PM. Not only..
..will my NYC-based travel agent give you the best price, bar none, but if you use me as a referral we'll both get a $100 credit voucher good at any shipboard shop. Wristwatches most definitely included. 
Ricky Lee |
96 |
July 28, 2010 06:38PM |
Cool... Next cruse I take... I'll hit you up for his name! (n/t)
VoodooDance |
105 |
July 28, 2010 06:40PM |