Thanks for not following me down my sorry path...
Chance -- July 25, 2009 07:08PM (Views: 15)
I would just send it off and have it fixed. Sound likes the same thing
happened to your watch as did to my Panhom...setting bridge/keyless
works went bad. It's a pretty easy and inexpensive fix, and the watch
definitely looks like it's worth the trouble.
1) remove from case. 2)remove hands>
Dave Murphy -- July 25, 2009 05:48PM (Views: 16)
>3. remove dial
4)the problem is in there somewhere. LOL!
Somewhere on the South Shore of Lake Ontario
That's odd the keyless works failed.
Sandbender1414 -- July 25, 2009 01:33PM (Views: 22)
Sorry to hear about the non functioning. Reminds me of the problems my
wife had with her TAG and Movado. Both have gone back to the factory at
least once, but my Seikos and Orient have never had a problem, even
with bad drops.
damn.. thats bad news.... (n/t)
anjizkit -- July 25, 2009 07:10AM (Views: 16)
Ouch! Let us know what you find out, Ricky! 
MCV -- July 25, 2009 03:24AM (Views: 12) (Views: 12)
Oh no! It's a
conspirancy against cavemen watch owners! 
Chris -- July 25, 2009 02:31AM (Views: 22)
It's just not been a good week for nice watches.
I'm a big fan of that one (n/t)
Paul December -- July 25, 2009 02:22AM (Views: 12)
I guess F.Reto likes to go it alone
Very sorry to hear 
Riddim Driven -- July 25, 2009 02:15AM (Views: 13)
especially with your prized possession - temperamental little buggers
aren't they - perhaps a trip to the watch maker is due anyway, and then
you'll be back in business - don't take it out Flat Reto LOL!
Good luck
Re: ..perhaps a trip to the watch maker is due anyway..
Ricky Lee -- July 25, 2009 02:30AM (Views: 31)
The bugger is six years old now so, yeah, probably time for a COA anyway.
Riddim Driven
.don't take it out Flat Reto LOL!
Don't worry, Flat Reto is safe. 
I might go throw some large heavy wrenches at the Ford, though... 
Maybe heave them at the bucket of your big dirt rig... for safety LOL! (n/t)
Riddim Driven -- July 25, 2009 02:44AM (Views: 14)
Ye Olde Watchmaker
I figured out that the mainspring in the Balmer/Unitas was binding in
the barrel - very unusual for a modern watch. I think it's a function
of dried out lubricants and insufficient barrel arbor "endshake," which
basically means the barrel is too tight on the mainspring. That's easy
enough to correct and I don't think there's anything wrong with the
winding/setting mech. But, the watch definitely needs a COA.
Can't beat a good diagnosis 
Reto -- September 15, 2009 11:56AM (Views: 18)
reat end result!
I woulda guessed the round whatcha callit,........ the battery!! 
JohnnyT -- September 15, 2009 01:21AM (Views: 16)
Sweet! Good info regarding signs of a needed COA
Dre -- September 15, 2009 12:53AM (Views: 23)
Since I have a number of handwinders it's good info to know. In fact
one handwinder I had & sold was very stiff winding. I chalked it up
to that's how this watch is, in retrospect maybe a cleaning woulda done
it good!
Super Cool watch. Congrats on getting it back. (n/t)
DJM -- September 15, 2009 12:37AM (Views: 15)
Fantastic, Ricky! I guess you were due for a COA; so >>
Dave Murphy -- September 15, 2009 12:26AM (Views: 20)
>>hopefully you will be good-to-go for several years.
I wonder how the barrel endshake is set. Perhaps the arbor is set in jewels within the barrel.
then again, scratch that idea. If this is 17 jewels, they are: 1
roller, 2 pallets, 2 balance pivots, 2 balance caps, 2 lever pivots, 2
escape pivots, 2-4th wheel pivots, 2- 3rd wheel pivots, 15 jewels so
far. Which leaves 2 to put either on the center wheel pivots, or maybe
1 on one end of the center wheel and 1 on one end of the barrel.
if a mainspring is improperly wound into the barrel, it will distort in
such a way that some of the coils bear on the barrel floor and cover.
Maybe that was robbing you of your power, and making it hard to wind at
the same time.
Ennnyway, congrats! Enjoy!
Somewhere on the South Shore of Lake Ontario
Re: I wonder how the barrel endshake is set.
Ricky Lee -- September 15, 2009 03:04AM (Views: 20)
I've no idea. That's why I hired a pro.
Dave Murphy
Perhaps the arbor is set in jewels within the barrel.
then again, scratch that idea. If this is 17 jewels, they are: 1
roller, 2 pallets, 2 balance pivots, 2 balance caps, 2 lever pivots, 2
escape pivots, 2-4th wheel pivots, 2- 3rd wheel pivots, 15 jewels so
far. Which leaves 2 to put either on the center wheel pivots, or maybe
1 on one end of the center wheel and 1 on one end of the barrel.
if a mainspring is improperly wound into the barrel, it will distort in
such a way that some of the coils bear on the barrel floor and cover.
Maybe that was robbing you of your power, and making it hard to wind at
the same time.
Zing! Right over me head, again. 
You're gonna force
me to enroll in that danged TZ School. RAGE! Even if I never get good
enough to tackle a COA on me own OOPS! perhaps I could at least hang
with you in the jargon and terminology department...
Dave Murphy
Ennnyway, congrats! Enjoy!
Thanks mate! 
Well congrats having that special one fixed again,Ricky! 

Bock -- September 15, 2009 12:14AM (Views: 19)
And for an acceptable price too
I can understand why you like it so much
Thank you mate! You have no idea..
Ricky Lee -- September 15, 2009 03:17AM (Views: 21)
And for an acceptable price too relieved I was. LOL! I'd budgeted twice the amount, just in case. 
But as my grandpappy used to say, "Even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while". 

Boc -- September 15, 2009 01:18PM (Views: 17)
Congrats Ricky, always feels good to have one of the herd home 
jeremd676 -- September 14, 2009 11:56PM (Views: 19)
Congrats, Ricky. Looks great. 
Mark C. -- September 14, 2009 11:44PM (Views: 14)
Sounds good, Ricky, hope it stays that way! 
MCV -- September 14, 2009 11:29PM (Views: 20)