An of a different stroke - aka The Mondaine is unseated after a mere 12 days on the wrist. 
Ricky Lee
November 04, 2008 03:29PM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 1,302 (2009-01) |
Yep, different in that 'tis not a watch, but a bracelet. But not just any ol' bracelet! 
Yup, 'tis a Staib 3.2mm mesh from Walt at lonestarwatches.com.
Now, before you say "Sure, sure. But it is just a bracelet", bear in mind that, even on sale, this rascal set me back quite a bit more'n my average watch does. 
Kudos for Walts customer service, too. The bracelet was on sale for $40 off,
and Walt quoted me a price of $12 per for the 2 spare links I needed.
Well, turns out there was a price increase on the links, so he threw in
not one but two diver deployants to apologize for the error. What a stand up guy! 
So, anyone care to guess which watch I've got 'er on? 
Messages In This Thread
of a different stroke - aka The Mondaine is unseated after a mere 12 days on the wrist.
(views: 108)
Ricky Lee -- November 04, 2008 03:29PM
Looks great Ricky... the Dolphin? (n/t) (views: 13)
PaulGeo -- November 04, 2008 04:55PM
not the Dolphin. It's still on the DIY-notched DeBeer strap, one of the
few watches with which I'm sure 'nough 100% happy with the combo. (views:8)
Ricky Lee -- November 04, 2008 08:29PM
But a nice try!
Let's see some
, Ricky! (n/t) (views: 10)
MCV -- November 04, 2008 04:26PM
Oh, come on, take a guess! 
(n/t) (views: 7)
Ricky Lee -- November 04, 2008 04:42PM
I'm looking for a good watch to do the same thing with (n/t) (views: 13)
Brian Uziel -- November 04, 2008 03:41PM
I'm tempted to say that's Puttin' The Cart Before The Horse... (views: 19)
Ricky Lee -- November 04, 2008 04:36PM
..but the fact is, this bracelet is so good, I can actually see buying it first and then scrounging around for a watch to throw on it.
OK, OK, I'll fess up. Here's the "Mystery Combo" I hinted about.. >> 
Ricky Lee
November 04, 2008 10:12PM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 1,302 (2009-01) |
..this morning in my Staib mesh IHD post. Yes, of course I took some quick 'n' dirty photos for y'all. 
The operative phrase, of course, being "quick 'n' dirty". Sorry 'bout
that! I will be going for some better photos soon, rest assured.
Kind of a no brainer, eh? Of course you put your most expensive bracelet on your most expensive watch. 
Seriously, though, I did have the Commander in mind when I ordered the
Staib, for a couple of reasons. I've never been happy with the Balmer
on a strap. The OEM black leather strap is OK, but it's too short for
me, and didn't really enthuse me in any case. The navy-blue NATO was
comfy as all get out (it always is, on any watch) but just didn't seem
to fit the character of the watch. The denim-hued genuine lizard in XL
was pretty good.. plenty long enough, and quite comfy, but I was never
happy with the color match. Now..
..all I can say is YeeeeeeeeHAW! 
do a combo swap and feel like it was a perfect fit? That the whole was
more than the sum of its parts? I've only experienced this a couple of
times, most notably with my Dolphin. Well, I'm getting that in spades with this combo! Like the Staib was made for the Commander - it totally transforms the character of the watch, making it feel (to my hoi polloi tastes) like a VRMW.
Thanks for lookin'!
Messages In This Thread
OK, OK, I'll fess up. Here's the "Mystery Combo" I hinted about.. >>
(views: 137)
Ricky Lee -- November 04, 2008 10:21PM
Nice combo there. Now I know your true identity ...... 
(views: 50)
Robmks -- November 05, 2008 12:20AM
I know that movie! Followed on the heels of the Dr. Phibes tip (which I
watched last nite, and can't believe I've never seen before, Vincent
Price and (legendary!) Terry Thomas fan that I am.. >>> (views: 25)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 01:01AM
Well, cue The Who;
"♪ I thought I was the Ballytable King
of Olde Movies That is!
But I just handed my Olde Time Movie Crown
to hiiiIIiiM! ♫"
You're good,

NO! That was Brian Uziel that tipped me to Dr. Phibes. You impostor!
Pod person! Probably voted for McKinney tonight, di'nt ye! (views: 25)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 01:05AM
Bob! Let it be known that the only reason I didn't vote for Bob 'WIS'
Makus for president tonight is... .. . . He warn't runnin'! 
(n/t) (views: 18)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 01:08AM
Fancy bracelet and a bath robe?
(n/t) (views: 23)
MCV -- November 04, 2008 11:34PM
I like that fuzzy bathrobe too!
(n/t) (views: 21)
mikef -- November 04, 2008 11:13PM
assure you that pic was taken at 05:00! Don't wanna give anyone the
impression I'm the kinda guy that lays about in a Fuzzy Bathrobe all
day.. (views: 22)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 12:34AM
..watchin' soaps and eatin' Bon Bons. 'cause that's me wife's job..
"Oh. Hello dear. Did you just mean to whack me upside o' me head wi' that skillet? ' cause..
"..that really hurt!" 
{lost signal}
Great match! Pic 3 karma, Kismet, totally meant to happen combo! (n/t) (views: 25)
Brian Uziel -- November 04, 2008 10:42PM
Very nice
(n/t) (views: 10)
Larry -- November 04, 2008 10:40PM
Larry! (n/t) (views: 9)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 12:07AM
Looks good....makes me want some mesh (n/t) (views: 20)
greg honeycutt -- November 04, 2008 10:31PM
I'll tell you true then, Greg. You need to jump on Walt's sale! $40 off? No brainer dude! 
(n/t) (views: 15)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 12:06AM
Looks great. Congratulations
(n/t) (views: 22)
PaulGeo -- November 04, 2008 10:29PM
Paul! Comin' from a Man Of Good Taste such as yourself, it means a lot! (n/t) (views: 14)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 12:04AM
catalog shots of the Balmer Commander Unitas 6431 on Staib mesh - aka
Ricky's quest for that rare state of WIS enlightenment called Kelly
Raybornhood. ;-) 
Ricky Lee
November 05, 2008 04:17PM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 1,302 (2009-01) |
As promised, I shot a few pics of the Commander-Staib mesh combo;
I know, I know. Not very Kelly-like.
Dial's too washed out, for one. In my defense, that is a totally raw image, no post processing whatsoever.
On the bright side, I'm continuing to enjoy this combo almost more than
I have words to describe. It gives the watch a feeling of
Brobdingnagian luxury - almost larger than life. 
Even tried a lume shot..
..sorry about the underwhelming results. 
Thanks for lookin' y'all!
Messages In This Thread
Attempted catalog shots of the
Balmer Commander Unitas 6431 on Staib mesh - aka Ricky's quest for that
rare state of WIS enlightenment called Kelly Raybornhood. ;-)
(views: 98)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 04:17PM

(n/t) (views: 6)
cmoy -- November 05, 2008 08:02PM
great combo! (n/t) (views: 5)
anjizkit -- November 05, 2008 08:01PM
You might want to................. (views: 13)
Allan Zirlin -- November 05, 2008 05:25PM
try shooting the watch
on a less glossy surface that doesn't reflect back on the crystal.
Simple thing, an old book, Black Watch tartan, etc. Just my HO.
North Suburban Chicago, the one in Illinois. I've heard there are other Chicagos.
Easier said than done with AR-coated sapphire. But yeah, I'll definitely try again. (n/t) (views: 6)
Ricky Lee -- November 05, 2008 07:14PM
That's a tough one to photograph Ricky and you did well

(n/t) (views: 9)
Reto -- November 05, 2008 04:31PM
Reto. This watch is a serious conundrum for me. > (views: 17)
Ricky Lee -- November 06, 2008 02:16AM
As much as I aspire to the PMWF Credo - "More Watch For The Money", this watch drives home the point that there is
a difference between everyday garden-variety watches like a Citizen,
Seiko 5, or Orient and truly Top Gear like Jaeger-LeCoultre, Bucherer,
Breitling, Sinn, and the like. And, yes, 
Satan, Get Thee Behind Me!


(n/t) (views: 13)
Reto -- November 06, 2008 05:48AM
catalog shots of the Balmer Commander Unitas 6431 on Staib mesh part
deaux - aka Hey Allan Zirlin! Do these pass muster wi' you? 
Ricky Lee
November 08, 2008 03:44PM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 1,302 (2009-01) |
I ask 'cause I took your advice & went for a dark, glare-free backdrop. Here's what I came up with;
..pity about the flare I got around the periphery. A little too skewed towards blue, too (DoH! Blue dial and blue backdrop!
) but I think you'll have to agree that it's a significant improvement over the first attempt.
p.s.- if you're really, really good you might be able to ID the
backdrop by a careful examination of the flare's profile. Care to
Also got this fortuitious shot, the only real Keeper of the day;
What a combo! YeeeeeeHAW! 
Messages In This Thread
Attempted catalog shots of the
Balmer Commander Unitas 6431 on Staib mesh part deaux - aka Hey Allan
Zirlin! Do these pass muster wi' you?
(views: 107)
Ricky Lee -- November 08, 2008 03:44PM
Back in the day (35mm) it was said that if you got one really, really good shot on a roll of film it was worth it. (views: 26)
Allan Zirlin -- November 08, 2008 08:47PM
Now, with digis, you can shoot tell hell freezes over looking for that one really, really good shot.
I recall Back In That Day! 'ere's the best 35mm faux toe I ever shot... 
(views: 32)
Ricky Lee -- November 08, 2008 10:20PM
Dunno why, but always thought so. -Ricky
Laddie, I don't remember when we've seen ya so 'appy! I love the back shot showing the Staib.. (views: 22)
Allan Zirlin -- November 08, 2008 04:15PM
gotta admit it's a bracelet to die for. And, as you pointed out
earlier, ya can't put it on just any old clunker. The watch and Staib
have to make a significant statement and ye've done it in spades.
'appy? No.. I mean, one keeper out of 20? I was ashamed to show this one to ye'.. (views: 30)
Ricky Lee -- November 08, 2008 04:53PM
'cause o' the strange kaliedoscope rainbow ('tis a Republican plot
) artifact at 3. WTH? 
'twould otherwise have been a fairly decent shot. Boo Hoo Hoo! 
Image error, no picture shown. 
(n/t) (views: 12)
Allan Zirlin -- November 08, 2008 08:45PM
The photo is comin' through fine for me! 
(n/t) (views: 19)
Ricky Lee -- November 08, 2008 09:36PM
Nice Watch ..... Backdrop is a >>> (views: 31)
Paul December -- November 08, 2008 04:01PM
...Toilet seat cover
BWAAAAH! Wrong! Not a toilet seat cover, but you're fortuitously warm!
Anyone else? (n/t) (views: 32)
Ricky Lee -- November 08, 2008 04:08PM
Your bathrobe, and I hope it was washed.

(n/t) (views: 22)
Chris L -- November 08, 2008 04:29PM
BWAAAAAH! Hah! Another worthy guess! But no.. (views: 15)
Ricky Lee -- November 08, 2008 05:03PM
OK, OK, I'll fess up. 'tis my garbage dumpster.
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< More about the Commander aka "The Hunt" - Long! >