On the "Misfit" Alpha Sea-Master

Ricky Lee |
345 |
October 04, 2011 05:58PM |
Updated News on the Updated News 
The more I thought about it, the better a $6 bezel insert replacement sounded. So I dispatched this eMail to Alpha yesterday...
Ricky Lee
05 October, 2011
This solution is agreeable with me. I have sent payment via PayPal.
would ask that since this is a purely a cosmetic issue, that you not
choose a bezel insert at random. Rather, I ask that you personally
inspect the bezel insert before shipment to verify that the circular
bezel pip is perfectly centered on the triangle marker.
-Ricky McBroom
PayPal Unique Transaction ID # 80249378BC1803646
Sent to: chan chun fung
Email: pinkpink898@yahoo.com.hk
Amount sent: $6.00 USD
Date: Oct 5, 2011
Time: 12:12:03 PDT
Status: Completed
I again recieved a reply within the hour, and I quote:
05 October, 2011
So. Give it a couple o' weeks, and I'll let ye know how it looks.
Ricky Lee |
50 |
October 06, 2011 06:31AM |
Good thing you didn't bring to their attention the misaligned 12 hour marker with the 60 min marker
They'd charge you for a new dial! 
Dave P |
52 |
October 05, 2011 08:34PM |
ArrrrrrrrrrrrGH! I had NOT noticed that! 
But now that you point it out, sure, I see it.
Thanks a L O T!
Know what, though? This is a perfect illustration of "The camera is cruel and unforgiving".
I've peered at that 12-chapter 'til I'm cross-eyed and, trust me, the
misalignment there can NOT be detected with the naked eye! With the
loupe, yes. Naked eye, no way.
Not even with me ISO Calibrated Machinist's Eyeballs™!
So. I'm gonna forget I ever saw it!
Ricky Lee |
39 |
October 06, 2011 06:35AM |
You'd do the same for me.
or to me. 
Dave P |
37 |
October 06, 2011 06:44PM |
I would, sure!

And a confession.. I could not just forget it!
No. I kept wondering exactly how much the error really was, and Curiosity Got The Better of me. Conveniently enough, I have the tools to satisfy my curiosity readily at hand. So I took the watch down to..
..our US $50K Video Inspection Machine, set it to 20X, and checked it out.
Here's what I found:
The difference in the 'gap' between the
top and bottom ends of the chapter marker pair is .0054" (.137mm). Or,
put another way, where the edges should be parallel, they actual diverge
by 1.746°.
Again, "The camera is cruel and unforgiving".
NOW I'm gonna forget I ever saw it!

Ricky Lee |
42 |
October 07, 2011 07:10AM |
I would do it......seems reasonable to me........ (n/t)
dano0 |
43 |
October 05, 2011 10:33AM |
I would not bother at all, Ricky! (n/t)
IF |
47 |
October 05, 2011 05:01AM |
I would buy the replacement for USD 6 and I am lucky, with >>>
my eyes, I would not notice that misalignment. And having a spare bezel
insert is a good thing. One never knows when that model is
Reto |
52 |
October 04, 2011 10:09PM |
Re: ..my eyes, I would not notice that misalignment.
It really is a subtle thing...
I would buy the replacement for USD 6..
I did.
And having a spare bezel insert is a good thing.
Again Great Minds Think Alike.
don't plan to install the replacement bezel insert right away. Rather,
I'll put it away until the original (inevitably) gets scratched up. Then
I'll not only be prepared, but the watch should be better than original once it's installed.

Ricky Lee |
39 |
October 06, 2011 06:45AM |
Reto |
12 |
October 06, 2011 10:02PM |
I never noticed but mine is slightly misalinged as well. (n/t)
pumpkin2001 |
42 |
October 04, 2011 09:39PM |
I wouldn't bother. The new one will be the same.
Good old Chinese quality control.
Smaug |
48 |
October 04, 2011 08:43PM |
Re: On the "Misfit" Alpha Sea-Master
Seems a reasonable exchange for the shipping time involved had you instead turned in on warranty claim.
BeyondTheBox |
53 |
October 04, 2011 08:07PM |
I had to go check my Alpha PO homage after reading this one....

Careful observation under a loupe shows that it is ever so slightly off
center towards the right, but I had to check it with the loupe to see
it. It's really not visible to my naked eye. 
BobbyMike |
69 |
October 04, 2011 08:01PM |
Had to go check my PO homage.

The Basil, which ran me barely half what the Alpha version fetches.
Ironically, the pip's pretty darned jake on it.

Ricky Lee |
72 |
October 05, 2011 02:37PM |
They should give you a free one. But weigh the cost of sending the watch back. (n/t)
Robmks |
55 |
October 04, 2011 06:13PM |
I agree. However..
..it's looking like a crap-shoot, whether the replacement would be any better.

Ricky Lee |
49 |
October 04, 2011 06:21PM |
wait a minute
Ricky Lee
..it's looking like a crap-shoot, whether the replacement would be any better.
suppose to be the most experienced person here when it comes to Alpha
brand watches, so the "crap shoot" factor should be lessened by that,
unless your experiences have taught you that their CS is trumped by a
poor QC, which would lead me to question both your dedication to them,
intellect within that, and sanity.
So ask yourself, and answer us all, this, "how often do you recieve poor quality product, regardless the price, from Alpha?"
by your purist love of them I'd say your reaction here is a little more
passion driven than logic. However, be it the opposite case, you should
reconsider your constant touting of them. Just saying... Perhaps I've
read this wrong and inferred something unintended? In which case, please
do elucidate.
BeyondTheBox |
70 |
October 04, 2011 08:22PM |
Re: ..please do elucidate.

The short version is:
However, I believe in Doing One's Best, so here's the long version...
You're suppose to be the most experienced person here when it comes to Alpha..
What on Earth gave you that idea?
it's true that I own six at the moment, and several (now departed)
others over the past seven years, I've seen guys buy and flip more than
that in a single year.
Where my experience with
might give me some small claim to "most" is that I tend to stick with
mine over the long haul. I've owned two of the six for more than 5
years, and two others for more than 3 years. While this lends me a
certain authority when it comes to judging long-term durability and
reliability, it sure doesn't make me any expert when it comes to
assessing out-of-the-box build quality across the line.
..the "crap shoot" factor should be lessened by that, unless your
experiences have taught you that their CS is trumped by a poor QC..
Oddly enough, this is the very first time I've had occasion to test Alpha's Customer Service.
..would lead me to question both your dedication to them, intellect within that, and sanity.
Well. No harm no foul. I question my intellect and sanity on occasion, too.
So ask yourself, and answer us all, this, "how often do you recieve poor quality product, regardless the price, from Alpha?"
Me personally? Precisely twice.
Both were cosmetic flaws which in no way affected the functionality of the watch.
..I'd say your reaction here is a little more passion driven than logic.
The day I stop being passionate about this hobby is the day I'll move on to something else.
..you should reconsider your constant touting of them.
Nope. Won't go that far.
Again, of all the Alphas I've owned (around ~ 10), the only problems I've had whatsoever are a pair of cosmetic flaws. My favorite Alpha has been running flawlessly for 6½ years. So I'll keep right on touting them constantly, if it's all the same to you.
Perhaps I've read this wrong and inferred something unintended?
You have indeed.
You took the "crap-shoot" line totally outside the context it was intended, for one.
By "crap-shoot" I meant the specific case of a Sea-Master bezel insert,
and meant to say nothing about the Alpha line in general.
And, frankly, the overall tone and demeanor of your reply made you sound like a real tit.
If I read that wrong, I do apologize.
Ricky Lee |
61 |
October 05, 2011 06:58AM |
+1 (n/t)
BobbyMike |
41 |
October 05, 2011 07:28AM |
Bravo! What a great and reasonable response to someone who was obviously trying to push your buttons. (n/t)
Dave Murphy |
46 |
October 05, 2011 07:20AM |
Chase herrings much?
Someone could own over 90% of Alpha's models, and not have one with a
lume pip on the bezel. The assumption that quality control is
necessarily uniform across models and parts (or through time) is simply
naive. He did mention the slight misalignment of the first one he owned,
but this is the first thread I've seen on the PMWF discussing a
widespread problem with it. Your comments seem like enough of a stretch
in logic to sound as if you're trying to pick a fight. Dust that chip
off your shoulder and grow up.
54 |
October 05, 2011 06:06AM |
My old Alpha had the same problem, mind you not as bad >>> (n/t)

Need_Omega |
63 |
October 04, 2011 06:10PM |
I'll be dipped... this is the only photo I have of my Alpha Seamaster and >>>

It looks like the pip is misaligned on it as well. Guess I didn't own it long enough to notice. 
Jittery Jim |
59 |
October 05, 2011 09:31AM |
Re: Guess I didn't own it long enough to notice. 
Frankly I'm not surprised..
I mean, I'm a little surprised you flipped it so quick (though you being you, perhaps I shouldn't be ).
I'm not surprised you never noticed. It really is a subtle thing. To
the naked eye, on the wrist and in the flesh, it looks fine. Yet another case showing that The Camera Is Cruel and Unforgiving.

Ricky Lee |
47 |
October 05, 2011 04:44PM |
Is it really that hard to take the time to center the thing up in the factory?
That just shows lazy workmanship. They're selling a product, why would they settle for that, even if its not an expensive watch.
Lawrence Talbot |
44 |
October 04, 2011 09:01PM |
I think they save the good bezel inserts for making runs of fake Seamasters. (n/t)
Chris L |
52 |
October 05, 2011 05:25AM |

But, you know, it's not within the realm of the impossible.

Ricky Lee |
40 |
October 05, 2011 02:25PM |
As did mine. Heck..
I mentioned it in the earlier thread, in some detail.
Perhaps it's the best they can do with this particular bezel insert? They are at the mercy of their suppliers, I presume.

Ricky Lee |
50 |
October 04, 2011 06:20PM |