Just for curiosity I bought
this Alpha today....
Posted By: Mino
Date: Tuesday, 25 March 2008, at 1:41 a.m.
I want to see one of this in person,Opinions? Good? Bad? so so?..... (pic from Seller)shot guys!!
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Good on you! Never touched
that model, but my overall
..couldn't be more positive!
I own three, the Sea-Master Pro, Explorer
II, and my favorite, the Power Reserve GMT. Never had a bit o' trouble from them, they
keep decent to excellent time, and the fit and finish would not be out of place
on a watch costing 5 times the price, if not 10.
The issue of "homage or
knock-off or fake?" aside (and you can read all you can stand about
that here), it's difficult to see how anyone with eyes could not
recognize an as a
stupendous value. If we're talking about WIS appeal, they're the best bang for
the buck in the biz, IMHO. Mind you, a
half the price will do a better job as a tool...
I dunno.. I love s,
and will certainly add a few more to the stable. In fact...
I'm havin'
the hardest time resisting that one. I only became aware of it's
existence a few days ago and, despite the fact that I've got a jennywine Swiss watch that fills an almost
identical roll, in theory, I still find meself lustin' for that
Why? Simple!
'tis the color scheme. Ghostly, understated, and just RIGHT in a way that I
can't put into words. It reminds me of a Weimaraner I used to own..
is very nice. Decent case and movt. The balance wheel is well made, as you can see here.
Out of curiosity I also ordered the mother of pearl model. I will give it more wrist time "real soon".
for international business trips to questionable locations I'd rather not have more on my wrist than people earn in years. Mine has been running great -- the case back is easy to open and the movement is easy to adjust. Mine is keeping great time. The best $30 watch I've bought.
presents decent value for the $$. There are occassional QC issues, I had one but you sort of kind of expect that given the price point.
New s a of a
nuevo favo - the
x 2 >
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Date: Monday, 28 April 2008, at 1:04 p.m.
And while I was at it, thought I'd try for a decent shot of what has to be my current fav (IOW, 'in production currently')
. The first shot exhibits the skewed 'milk chocolate' coloring of some of my previous shots...
Click to supersize
..dunno wassup wi' that!
This one shows pretty darned good color accuracy, though..
A challenge to all y'all Photoshop Wizards out there - make the former look like the latter & post the results.
Ennywho, I'm
this one on the bracelet!
BTW, for y'all in the market for a bracelet, I highly recommend these Vollmers!
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Tale of a Strap Farkle Re-Told, and, a New of the Watch In Question.
Posted By: Ricky Lee
Date: Sunday, 17 August 2008, at 9:48 p.m.
Well.. not a , exactly.
A flatbed scan, more like..
The scan was a bit disappointing. I was hoping to get one as good as this one, which I did for the purposes of ordering an extra link for the bracelet.
And how 'bout a shot?
And wot update would be complete wi'oot a ?
Ah well, on to the Strap Farkle!
The Problem:The oh-so nicely color-coordinated CF strap on the did not fit.
I wore it on a NATO for a while, then on the spiffy Vollmer bracelet you see above. But I really was
about that OEM
One day while wearing one of the rubber
straps from Modena I studied the deployant clasp closely, and realized
that I could extend the effective range of the strap a goodly amount by
the use of such a deployant. So, quicker'n you can say Bob's Your
Uncle, I was at it!
The Solution:
So there ya go! Still ing with this
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did you know there is
another version that looks just like it. But a big difference is it
uses a regular strap without modification. The strap feeds through and
goes under the clasp. A pin uses the same strap holes to adjust. -Bob
This mod allowed him to use the strap he really wanted to use, but could not buckle it around his huge grizzly-bear forearms.
..by drilling a new 'First Hole' and using a conventional buckle (or the deployant Bob mentions, I imagine). The way I did this farkle, 'twas more like 8 to 10 mm more effective length! Indeed, I had to tighten the deployant up by 1 hole on the fine adjust...
I've never had one, but common sense tells me there must be one. I've had a third type, you see, which uses a 'claw' clasp to grap the strap tail. Ever seen those?
think this one's jest a wee but cleaner, as there IS no overlap.. And
it had one Overwhelming Advantage - I had it lying about, so 'twas
free, basically.
I discovered that all of my posts for the last year were still available to view on
I started
a blog on Yahoo and used those old posts as a shortcut to get a blog
retroactive to the start of this year. However the YTD posts are all on
the calendar as Aug 17.
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